Software development

Adding WhatIf and Confirm Parameters to your Powershell

In this diagram, you can see that we now have two statements that can be executed. One statement if the condition returns true, and one statement if the condition returns false. Up to this point, we’ve only talked about If statements. However, you’ll often find If statements accompanied by an Else statement.

Simply type Start-Transcript before running your WhatIf command and then type End-Transcript afterwards. You can direct the output to a specific file with the –path switch. The little script that was supposed to patch a dozen or so machines ends up inadvertently matching hundreds of systems. This is one of those times when the administrator can see that the script is Deploy a Flask App Using Gunicorn to App Platform not running as intended. The admin’s eyes grow wide with horror as the screen fills with the names of systems the script is matching when it was only supposed to apply to a handful of systems. A second later and you can almost hear the slow-motion, “Noooooooooo” as the admin’s hands reach desperately for the keyboard knowing that the damage has already been done.

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Hand in hand with -WhatIf is -Confirm, it will prompt you for high risk actions and confirm if you really want to perform the action, like deleting an AD user account. For example, you can confirm an action to write a file, but the file might be protected with the read-only attribute. In this case the action would fail unless you also specify -Force. If statements in PowerShell function similarly to If statements in other programming languages. When the above function is run using the WhatIf parameter as shown below, it looks like it did its job.

Syntax of if in PowerShell is very much similar to other programming languages. It checks for the condition if the condition expression is true it will be got to if block if the condition expression is false it will go to else. The -WhatIf parameter is added at the end of the PowerShell command. The presence of this cmdlet indicates that this command is executed in a test mode, and no changes will be made, but the list of objects will only be displayed on the PoSh console screen. Of course, no administrator with more than one day on the job would ever unleash an untested script onto an unsuspecting production environment.

  • PowerShell is a full-scale command-line shell and scripting environment for the Windows server platform and the applications that run on it.
  • Instead, don’t reinvent the wheel and use the SupportsShouldProcess keyword combined with the $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess().
  • The -Confirm parameter is also related to the ConfirmImpact cmdlet attribute and the $ConfirmPreference.
  • In this example, we are calling the Test-Path cmdlet to see if a file exists or not.
  • Now let’s change the value of $x to 1, making the condition return false.

Else statements allow you to perform an additional action if the condition is not met or returns false. If statements are conditional logic statements that you can add to your PowerShell scripts. If statements mimic the decision-making process people use every day. For example, if it’s raining outside, I’ll grab an umbrella before heading outside. In this section, you’ve learned how to use WhatIf support with existing cmdlets. In the next action, you’ll learn how to build WhatIf support in your custom scripts and functions.

Just like -WhatIf this should be added whenever a resource is added or removed. Udemy has many excellent PowerShell courses; whether you’re looking to grasp the basics or supercharge your scripting skills. The result of -Confirm is that PowerShell presents you with choices, however, remember this is now ‘live’ therefore if you press or then files will be deleted. Brian specializes in several areas of highly technical writing for ArcticLlama including technology, science and medical. Brian contributes articles on Windows Server 2008 and other related topics. First, we’ll get the day of the week using the Get-Date cmdlet, returning the DayOfWeek property and assigning it to the $day variable.

Introduction to PowerShell Scripting -WhatIf and -Confirm

Usually, the –WhatIf parameter is used when testing and configuring PowerShell scripts, and in ready-made PoSh scripts, if you want to receive confirmation of a change, the –Confirm parameter is used. For example, you decided to delete some user accounts in the Active Directory domain according to certain criteria using the PowerShell script. To make sure that Flutter vs React Native LogRocket Blog the PowerShell script deletes only the users you expect, you can add the –WhatIf parameter to the command. To use the WhatIf switch simply add –WhatIf to the end of your command line. Enabling that switch turns everything previously typed into a test, with the results of what would have happened if the commands were actually run appearing on the screen.

what if powershell

PowerShell is a full-scale command-line shell and scripting environment for the Windows server platform and the applications that run on it. Using PowerShell, administrators can automate repetitive or tedious tasks. In a nutshell, the WhatIf parameter is a built-in switch parameter available with all advanced functions and cmdlets . When used, the command reports the expected effect of the command to the console. And if a statement is based on the boolean value, if the boolean condition value is true than inside the if block and execute the lines of statements inside if block. In another simple word, To execute any statements it has to test one or multiple conditions if conditions are true it will execute the statement.

How to Use If Statements in PowerShell

Like all cmdlets, the New-Item cmdlet has a WhatIf parameter. In this example, you will use the New-Item cmdlet to create a file named newfile1.txt in the same working directory. You can also check for WhatIf parameter support by using tab-completion. Simply type the command you’d like to check in a PowerShell console followed by a space, dash, ‘Wh’ and the tab key. All compiled PowerShell cmdlets include a parameter called WhatIf. This parameter helps you evaluate if a command will work as you expect or if it will start a nuclear meltdown.

The parameter is automatically added if the cmdlet’s Cmdlet attribute has the SupportsShouldProcess property set to true. PowerShell is an extremely powerful tool that every sysadmin should be using. It becomes even more powerful when you start taking advantage of If-Else statements, allowing you to automate complex tasks based and conditional decision making. You can see from the screenshot that since $x equaled 4, the condition returned true. Now let’s change the value of $x to 1, making the condition return false. In this example, we created a variable called $eggs and gave it a value of 10.

PowerShell allows you to nest If and Else statements within If and Else statements . Nested conditional statements basically cycle through the statement until either a statement is returned true or until all statements are returned false. There is a couple of different ways to nest conditional statements. One way is to literally add a new If-Else statement inside an If or Else script block. PowerShell’s WhatIf and confirm are two great commands for testing complicated scripts without risking the code running amok. For example, if you decide to delete files by using a script containing wildcards, there could be all manner of unexpected side effects.

PowerShell guidelines for -Confirm, -Force, and -WhatIf

// Executes when the none of the above condition is true. An if statement can be followed by an optional else if…else statement, which is very useful to test various conditions using single if…elseif statement. If the boolean expression evaluates to true, then the if block of code will be executed, otherwise else block of code will be executed.

In these cases, the Start-Transcript / Stop-Transcript cmdlets can be used to capture the information flowing to the screen. The handy WhatIf parameter is not only available with all built-in cmdlets but also to your scripts and advanced functions too! If your code will change things in your environment, you have the benefit of a fail-safe mechanism should you choose to implement it.

  • If statements mimic the decision-making process people use every day.
  • Just like -WhatIf this should be added whenever a resource is added or removed.
  • A series of “Not Found” errors scrolling across the screen, for example, is an indicator that something is rotten in PowerScriptville.
  • The result is PowerShell completes the command and shows us the result, but does not delete any files.
  • Once you have used PowerShell’s -Confirm, or -WhatIf commands you will think, ‘Why don’t all scripting languages have these safety features’.

For a basic implementation, we can supply just 2 arguments into this block, the Target object and the Action being performed. I’m going start by making the assumption that if you’re here considering -WhatIf and -Confirm then you’ve already got a handle on the basics of creating a function. The -Confirm parameter is also related to the ConfirmImpact cmdlet attribute and the $ConfirmPreference. Try all courses risk-free with Udemy’s 30-day money-back guarantee. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.

One way that constantly seems to impart painful experience and wisdom to even seasoned administrators involves “where” and his cousin “if.” The WhatIf switch runs a PowerShell script without actually running it. Rather than actually running the commands, the WhatIf switch only displays what the outcome of running the script would be if it were actually run. However, no amount of test environment simulation can replicate the complexities of a full-scale production environment. Worse, even a fully debugged script can contain some nasty surprises lurking to ruin the administrator’s weekend plan.

Like all system changes, PowerShell scripts should be developed on non-production systems and thoroughly tested before being implemented on real systems. The second and preferred way to nest conditional statements is to use the elseif statement. Here’s an example that builds on the egg example we covered earlier.

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